The Enterprise Solution
Especially in big companies or when dealing with complex processes, you need more than just a professional product. You require a customised solution. If you understand the small details of the following passages of text & the diverse terms & technical details they contain, you will definately appreciate the technical standards of sceye.
Special model - Monopro
As an extension of our sceyeX models, we also offer a monochrome model. With a 10 megapixel resolution and a monochrome sensor, this may sound like a limitation. However by sacrificing colour, the monochrome sensor can now deliver even sharper scans. In order to obtain a comparable result with a colour sensor, you would require a sensor with around 20 megapixels. That's why our sceyeX Monopro is the perfect choice for fine text capture when using OCR, or when small barcodes need to be recognised for best possible process reliability.
Windows Terminal Server support.
Whether Citrix or another pure WTS environment, sceye is currently the only USB workplace scanner which already supports operation in a WTS environment - readily integrated into the driver. sceye is connected through USB at a terminal (Windows Client Computer) whilst the software is run directly in the server environment. The data is compressed at the same time and invisibly transferred over the existing RDP connection. Completely automatic - the user will hardly notice the difference.
That's how simple and easy it is to apply and that's how sophisticated and powerful this solution is at the technical level. Our WTS support is about 40 times faster than a pure USB device routing.
Context scanning vs. batch scanning
The ADF scanner leads the way in batch scanning. Yet you don't often have a pile of documents to capture, but rather a single or in some cases a multiple page document. This is the moment where the throughput rate per minute doesn't count, but rather the reaction speed, flexibility and operational readiness that does. This is where the strengths of sceye are discovered.
Context scanning describes the situation in which you already find yourself in the matching context in a given application (be it customer context, deliverer context, or patient context ect.) and the document being scanned should exactly match this context. In the process you also save time, because in comparison to batch scanning, the indexing is omitted.
Context scanning is the key skill of sceye. Either via Twain or directly integrated in every application through our SDK if even more performance & speed are required.
PRIME Light is an optional hardware add-on/upgrade, specifically developed for use when scanning large amounts of reflective documents. If you often need to scan shiny objects eg. Magazines, photos, ID documents ect., then PRIME Light is the right option for you. Special filters work to elimate sceyes own light source completely from the results. Now you can scan all your magazines pages in seconds, not minutes like flatbed scanners.
SDK - Software Development Kit
Currently more than 200 partners use our SDK for direct integration in several products and projects. The process only requires 5 lines of code to reach an initial integration.
With our OCX we deliver a live preview, the basic functions as well as the menu bar. The chosen settings of the user are saved as desired and are available unchanged with the next execution of the program. As like all sceye applications the full performance features of our sceye PRIME technology are also available over the SDK. From automatic contrast to object recognition, automatic cropping and straightening to image optimisation - all functions are built in.
The recognition of new objects, known from sceye Autoscan can be used per event to conceive and trigger a new scan. Or simply make a manual crop on the live preview with the mouse. Even the page orientation or book mode can ultimately be controlled for a sceyeX-A3.
Last but not least - every application in which our sceye is integrated through OCX can also be WTS-suitable. This means that without a single line of code, the application can be executed on the server, whilst the sceye belonging to it can be connected at a terminal.
NEW: sceye-Sphere also comes with an SDK and offers the easiest and by far most powerful way to integrate sceye features as well as a unique document viewer right into your application.
Want to learn more about it? Check this link: Details about sceye-SDK
sceye Protection
Our sceye Protection is an optional add-on for any sceye device. It provides 3 years of all-round protection for your sceye devices. After sending in your sceye to us so we can inspect it and rule out deliberate damage, we will either repair or replace it for you with no extra costs. Simply put: everything is covered except for theft. Feel secure, we always remember to bring an umbrella! For more info about sceye Protection Click here.
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